Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Back from the show:)

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Off to the show, a visit from my Bro and a beautiful award!!

The first beast is Morpheus and the other is Sirius.
Then the wonderful and beautiful (inside and out) Michelle from Crow Haven Farm. http://thestudioatcrowhavenfarm.blogspot.com/ Please visit her if you haven't yet. she ROCKS and you will surely love her as much as I do:) She is probably one of the most amazingly giving, honest and beautiful people that I have had the honour to call my FRIEND:) She has encouraged me and supported me in both my art and my being and I really do love her:) AND I can't wait to hug her too:)

This award was developed by Tessa in honor of Dr Maithri Goonetilleke's birthday. Tessa was inspired by the way Dr Goonetileke reaches out to others and, with his humanity as her guide, she created this award "to acknowledge the depth and breadth of the warm open-heartedness from bloggers all over the world who reach out and touch their readers with their words."Tessa goes on to quote Dr Goonetilleke: "It has been my experience that whenever one human being reaches out to another in compassion, a bridge is built. A bridge which leads out of despair, into the light of hope and the possibility that tomorrow will hold a few less tears than yesterday." (copied from Michelle's blog which was copied from Zan's blog http://wildatheartart.blogspot.com/ ) and yes, Zan is drop dead gorgeous!! and talented and giving and fun and funny and and and........well she is special:)
The rules here are to pass this amazing award are simple. Just pass it on to 3 (that is the hardest part of it, that you can only choose 3) who will pass it to 3 people then they will pass it to 3 people until ALL of blogland has it:)
So here goes..........
To my friend Kamila....http://woodedwoods.blogspot.com/AMAZINGLY creative and and wonderful and crazy imagination. She has taught me to let my hands make what my mind sees, she has also been there for me when ever I have problems or questions about doll making, opened a world of magic to me and is just plain fun and inspiring to be around. She is my clay play partner and I hope to be part of her life FOREVER!! OMG....if you have not seen her work you life is not complete!! Feast your eyes!!
Then to the ever so talented and always inspiring Colleen over at Loopy Boopy Art http://loopyboopy.blogspot.com/ Loopy makes the most darling and unmistakably loopy dolls!! Some day I WILL own one!! I must!! she is so....well so.. to be looked up to:) I admire her work and her happy-go-lucky way:) and of coarse her dollies:)
Then last on my ever so hard to choose list is the Master of the Dark Adorable Dollies.....the ever so unique and special, the one and the only......GAIL LACKY:) http://gaillackey.blogspot.com/ I am sure she has no idea the impact she has had on me in both my doll making carere and in my life. that dolls are little beings with souls and that to be humble is one of the most appealing and beautiful qualities one can possess. She to me is the best roll model I could even dream to become 1/2 of what she is. I know that is kinda mushy but she really really is a beautiful soul and has had an incredible impact on me:) Besides......she make the cutest dolls EVER!!!
Please enjoy your awards ladies and display them with pride know they were given to you with love:)
Friday, June 12, 2009
skull, Nanami and shameless self promotion
I will let you know how he does in the auction:)
I sure learned alot from this project!! It is a life size skull and we used bike sprockets, watch and clock parts, springs, hoses, air dry clay, polymer clay, spray foam insulation, wood, screws, hot glue,wire , poly wrap stuff, spray paint, and an airbrush.....hmmmm, wonder if I forgot anything?? LOL
How is that for mixed media??

Monday, June 8, 2009
"skulls" Exhibit and tattoo convention

Monday, June 1, 2009
DAG spotlight.....A treat for you!!!