Saturday, January 23, 2010

OWOH Magic Carpet ride 2010 is HERE!!!

The time of year has come again for the Amazing event called One World One Heart!!! Last year was my first time taking part in this event and let me tell you......IT WAS AMAZING!!! I met soooo many wonderful and creative people and......I won two great prizes!!

Get ready for a Magic Carpet Ride of your life!! Just click on the badge in my sidebar, that will link you to Lisa's blog where you will find a never ending list of delightful blogs to visit from all around the world and at each blog you will be able to enter a draw to win what ever this generous artist is offering simply by commenting on their OWOH blog post!!!

What a great way to meet new friends and possibly win something too!!!!

You better hurry!!!! You only have until Feb 15th 2010 to visit them ALL:)

This year I am offering "Lenny" the Elf and his little friend "Lyle". What a naughty team they are and to be honest......I will be quite happy to see them go!!!! LOL They tend to get in a bit of trouble:) They tease the cats and they raid the fridge every night!! I just want you to be aware of what you are getting into by commenting on this post!!! You just might end up with this naughty duo living with you!!!!

If you still would like to comment, then please leave me a way to get a hold of you so I can send Lenny and Lyle to live with YOU!!!

Thank you soooo much for visiting my blog and you can bet your sweet button I will be visiting yours!!!

Happy travels my OWOH friends and enjoy this wonderful ride:)Add Image


1 – 200 of 308   Newer›   Newest»
MLBetterly said...

Oh, Jacqui! He looks like a trouble maker of the worst kind! I'm sure there's all sorts of things he could get into around here! please throw my name into the hat. hugs!

niknik said...

Ваши куклы совершенно уникальны! Мне так хочется одну заполучить!))))

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name...great doll!

Mette said...

Ooooh, he really looks like he`s up to noooo good, lol

Please enter my name to your draw :)

Lynn Stevens said...

ohhhh spooky, please enter me and stop by my giveaway!

Beadcomber said...

Lenny looks naughty alright! Nice to meet you Jacqui. I'm a clayer from Canada. I'm giving away some hearts...

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This little doll is just too funny. Glad to hear you'll be dropping by my giveaway, too.

Rika said...

What a wonderful little doll!

Teri Calia said...

omg! they are an adorable pair!

sewfunky said...

They're awesome - loving little lenny!

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to enter mine too!

Carapace said...

Oooh, they look like trouble! But I bet they can't hold a candle to our local house fairies. Send them over! Fae fight!:D

Happy OWOH!


Chris in Oz said...

Hi Jacqui, please count me in, as a retired teacher I think I can hadle a little naughtiness here and there. LOL. It'd be great if you could drop by my blog for a visit too. Have fun!!!


Wienermaedl said...

uhhhhh how scary, I'm curious whether my German shepherd can also tease, perhaps the eleven will be good :))
Look at my dog can transform into a Princess.

wish a nice day Wienermaedl

Tristan Robin said...

Lenny and Lyle are quite the team! I love them - and I bet they'd love to come live with me! LOL

Thanks for a terrific giveaway!

Unknown said...

These guys are the dogs dangly bits ... Love them X

Unknown said...

Great! Love this doll. Please count me in, thank you.

Unknown said...

What a MINX! you are so creative!

love it!

jasmoonbutterfly said...

hee hee wonderful, please count me in x

carylsrealm said...

Whoohoo! So cool! Please enter my name!

Maron said...

Ooooh...would love to have that little imp on my shelf!

Donna said...

He is adorable! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Rella said...

Ooooooooo!! I'd love a chance.

xox Rella

Unknown said...

OMG! I think I will take my I'm sure I could figure out some way to keep them locked up at night. :-)
They are stunning.

Jingle said...

I would be happy to give a home to these little terrors! My dogs could use some good tormenting and they look like they could handle the job. And they'd look great, doing it, too!

Micki said...

I collect dolls and love yours. Please enter me!

Halloween Fanatic said...

How cool! Please throw my name in as well. Robert~Halloween Fanatic

Marie Rayner said...

How very unsual and adorable!

CindySowers said...

How cute! You are so funnY! Could me in!

Tamara Dozier said...

I'm so excited to see you're participating! I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well.

Unknown said...

Jacqui, so crazy creepy sweet. Lovit, made me laugh... you know what to do :) count me in

Denise said...

Wow. He is amazing! What a cute guy and ready to make some trouble! perfect for my house! ;-) Stop by my blog to enter mine! #30 on the list!

LoopyBoopy said...

I'm not skeered!! Sign me up Jacqui, I'm in love with Lennie!

johanna said...

wonderful doll!! please enter my name...

Anonymous said...

I love trouble! What a an amazing duo!

D Q said...

He looks like he is full of mischief! Great work!

Kris said...

hmmmmm I imagine this is what my youngest son would have looked like when he was little...if he had looked like his personality this would be it!
he was T R O U B L E. LOL! thankfully, He grew out of it! Anyway....count me in on your drawing. my contact is in my profile.

DellaRae said...

I bet Lenny wanders around the house all night and torments the kind of elf....please enter me. I would take good care of them both.

Digital Misfit said...

The lil fellow you gave away last year stole my heart (and then tore it apart when he decided to go live with someone else).
This lil guy looks like such a mischievous imp, but I am sure he would behave under my own watchful eye.
I love your art dolls - each one is filled with personality.
Thank you for hopping on the magic carpet! I hope you get a chance to visit my blog on your tour.

hugs from ON, Canada

Unknown said...

I WANT him!!
pick me!!

Sue said...

I think Lenny and Lyle want to come just a bit north of you! Pick me!!!


Anonymous said...

lol jacqui he looks lots of fun! please enter me into the drawing for him, and thanks for the comment on my blog. i really hope you enjoy the rest of your magic carpet ride

Odddollz by Jacqui said...

I am soooo excited to be part of such a wonderful event for the second time!!
Thank you to all who have taken the time to stop by my blog already and I look forward to visiting all of yours:)

Enjoy this wonderful ride my fellow bloggers:)

to you all

Debby said...

Yes Please! I would love to take a chance on this pair,fun..beautiful work. Please add my name for your drawing.

Bee said...

I am sure I could cope with this mischevious pair so please add me to your draw and why not pop over to my blog and join in my draw.


GraceBeading said...

LOVE your "stuff". Lenny and Lyle certainly look like they make a good bit of mischief! I am willing to give them a good home should I be chosen. Thanks so much for the chance! Please also stop by to see me, I'm offering up a little beaded doll this year.

Lisa said...

Oh add me please, what a great piece!


Anonymous said...

Very freaky!!! Please add and join me!!!

Flora said...

AHHHHHH, so many before me!!!! Going to try anyway, PLEASE add me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want!! Pick me-lol :)

Anonymous said...

LOL Jacqui I love this doll!!! Mischievous comes to mind... : )
Please enter me me me!

baukje said...

You are right i think he can be very naughty, but I love to win him anyway.....

AlwaysInspired said...

Naughty or not they can come to my house any day!

magikalseasons said...

Adore him! Please throw my name in the wicked hat! :)Becca

CreativSpirit said...

I would love to be included in the draw for Lenny and Lyle, they would love to come live with me in Australia. Come on by and enter into my draw too.

Rob in Australia

Thespa McLaughlin said...

What an interesting little guy. I can't say he's cute, I don't think anyone could say that, but I can say he's fabulous! I've got several blogs, one dedicated to Halloween and all things creepy, and he would fit right in to that world.

It's great to meet you!
Hope you have a great day!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I'm sure (I think) that I could tame (survive) having Lenny & Lyle live (take over) my home!

Stop by & enter my giveaway, too!

DVArtist said...

Ohhhhh yes I love your dolls. Glad to be able to have a chance to win. Please visit my giveaway as well.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

This is so up my gothic heart alley!!
Fantastic give away....he/they would go great on the shelf next to my goth girls.

Jodaeodesign said...

Lenny would be right at home in our house.

Robin said...

great doll
robin krieger

Bibi said...

Oh, what perfect friends they'd be for Norman, my gnome!

Sherry said...

I'm sure I could get them to behave! Thanks for the chance, they are amazing!!

Hope you do come by my blog too!

Nicks said...

Think they will meet their match with my cats! but would love to watch them try to outwit each other!!

I am also participating so please hop over to my blog I'd love to see you

Nicks xx

mininut7 said...

Oh he's fabulous! I really hope I get picked!!

nfmgirl said...

Now THOSE characters have character!
Please count me in. Thanks so much!

Angie Hall Haviland said...

What an amazing piece of ART...Love the dePlease enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!

Angie--Southeast, Texas #57

Unknown said...

Ooooh, mwahaha! I LOVE him Jacqui--well, you know I love your work! Count me in!

Zan ~

You can also visit my giveaways on:

Anonymous said...

How adorable. Please enter me in your giveaway. Then please head on over to my place and enter mine. Love Hugs and Blessings

HippieDog said...

I love them! Please count me in.....Gorgeous work!

Sharne Gregory said...

I would lov to be included into the draw for chance to win Lenny. He would feel right at home here with Miss Nobody who leaves a mess wherever she goes

jacque4u2c said...

Just incredible!

carol l mckenna said...

They are adorable ~ would love to win them ~ You are soooooo creative ~ stop by my blog

Anonymous said...

OHHH my Jacqui! Lenny and Lyle look so naughty!They will fit perfectly in my home!Hereby I am offering both of them a good loving and caring bhome for the rest of their lives.They can make their playground right on my side table in the livingroom,by my toadstool lamp!
Thanks for offering this great giva-aways!Please count me in?
Greetings from Stempelientje.

Snap said...


Your dolls are stunning and these little guys look like they could get into a lot of trouble (with a capital T)! I promise to give them a good home!

Pat Haight said...

They just have to come and live with me! Please enter me in your drawing.
Stop by my blog and say hi.

Yvonne said...

Please enter me in your draw! Also pop over to my blog, have a browse around and enter my give away. I’m number 303 on the magic carpet :)

martha brown said...

I love Lenny and Lyle -- I think that they need to come and live with me!!

Anonymous said...

what a troublesome looking duo
im game could be fun and if hes to much trouble i will send the pair on to my daughter for a visit :)
I love your creepy dolls especially the black zombie doll hes just to cool but really hard to choose a favorite including your troublesome pair that your giving away .

I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each on enjoying everyones creativity
carolyn h

I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each on enjoying everyones creativity
carolyn h

Anonymous said...

naughty couple....i will keep an open eye out for them if they get to stay with me...

Alice Regan said...

Your giveaway is so fun. Do count me in. I enjoyed visiting, now I have to get busy and travel along the 'Magic Carpet Ride'.
I'm number 395 if you'd like to enter my giveaway.

danit said...

oh... Lenny is amazing!

Sarah said...

This naughty duo look great! I am a teacher so you never know, they might actually listen to me!(As if!)

ooglebloops said...

Very impish and darkly cute!!! I love him!! I am #264 on OWOH- drop by!!!

Holly said...

He is too awesome! Thanks for the chance!

Shai Williams said...

I just know that those two would get into cahoots with my cats but I can't resist. Please enter me!

Carole Burant said...

Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me!!! hehe I have a room full of faeries that might put that naughty elf in his place! lol Please enter me in your giveaway! Make sure you come enter mine as well, I'm #116:) Thank you!! xox

Kit said...

I love bad boys. He'll love living here with me. Please enter my name in the hat and be sure to come visit me too.

Baroness Bijoutery said...

OMG..If Lenny doesn't look like a Troublemaker I don't know who would be...Your work is awesome..Please count me in...

geni said...

Your "Lenny" the Elf and his little friend "Lyle" are amazing!
Thank you for the chance to become their happy owner.
And thank you for taking the time to visit my OWOH blog earlier today!

Tina Leavy said...

what a fun giveaway! thanks for the opportunity. I too am hostessing a giveaway I hope you'll stop by. So nice to meet you.

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.

Brianna Rocko said...

Very nice! Count me in! Thanks a lot! I'd love to win this! :]

Sophie said...

They do look like trouble makers. But I'll take my chances!
I would love to win this.
Sophie in Montreal

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! Nice to meet you. Don’t forget to come visit me too. I’m #391 on OWOH.
Thanks! Monica

SpiritMama said...

Hi Jacqui, Lenny and Lyle are AWESOME!
Thank you for the giveaway,
Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Bella Modiste said...

How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Kathy L said...

Well those tow look like they could get into a lot of trouble! But I love them anyway. Please enter me!


Unknown said...

Jacqui I would love to own a piece of your art...


Sherrie said...

I have to, have to, have to, have those little guys. How fun are they. So consider this my comment from up in Maine and by the way come over to my blog #499 to say hi.

Eva said...

Aw, I think he looks kinda sad. But wonderful, of course :D

Don't forget to visit me, Jacqui ;)

Lady Artisan

Nancy Markosky said...

They look like a very naughty pair and they would fit right in with my three naughty boys and my three naughty dogs- might have some competition. Please add my name to your generous drawing-cheers.

Deborah said...

Oh my dear. Lenny looks like he is doing something really wicked to Lyle. I wonder what Lyle did? Please count me in for your drawing.

FlightFancy said...

Oh my word, they look like hornery fellas! Fantastic talent you have! Please toss my name in the hat :)
Blessings, Theresa

Unknown said...

Oh please enter me I would love to give that little troublemaker a home ,lol

Shariyah said...

Hello from New Zealand!

I'd love to enter your give-away... how sweet it is! Feel free to enter mine too- I'm number #135 on the Magic Carpet list...
Peace & Love


Our Hands For Hope said...

You know I have kids that tease the cats and raid the fridge! As long as he doesn't have "attitude" I'll take him!

Creager Studios said...

Yes indeedy..looks like a handful alright...but nothing Auntie Jodi and Unkie Richard couldn't handle!!!

Please throw my name into the hat....

Sidereal Day said...

Your dolls have so much character! I would love to be entered to win one.
Please stop by my OWOH giveaway too if you have a minute.
Thank you,

Kaycee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kaycee said...

Lenny and Lyle are so well made, I love it! Sly little creatures too I imagine. I love your work!

iloveyouhecried at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Lenny and Lyle look great all finished! Was cool to see them in the "work in progress" stage last week! Would love them to cause trouble in my house haha.

Debb said...

Jaqui,I have alway loved your work and these two are just great. They can come and live here anytime.

robin westenhiser said...

they look like my brothers!! very cool work. thanks

Maggie R said...

Great Prize.
Please enter my name,Would love to win....
Thanks so much,
Hop on the Magic Carpet and come to my blog. I am #362

Lisa V said...

Oh my, what a character!
I do love elves, really different looking ones, and I guess these little guys fit into that category. I would love a chance to give them a new home. Thank you for the opportunity. LISA V.
PS. my email is in my blog profile.

Artseyanne said...

Cool! please include me in your draw & visit me at #60.

azviatx said...

If Lennie and Lyle came to live with me, I bet my Mother would give them a run for their money! She's just as mischievious. Put me in for the drawing, if I win I bet I can take care of them as well as I do for my mom. Tina

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Of course I'd love to win your lovely elves :-) So please include me in your drawing!
Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)

Julie said...

Oh Jacqui... I think you need to send Lenny & Lyle to me... I'm sure I can keep them in line... & if not, they will be banished to deal w/ the mess in my studio, it will keep them out of trouble for a good long time. :o)

& while we're @ it...find your way to my OWOH giveaway to see the art-glass heart pendants that I'm offering.

Thank you & enjoy...

Julie (OWOH #155)

Unknown said...

Your elf would fit right in at my house with my 6 year old and my 9 year old. They stay in trouble but they are my sweeties!

altermyworld said...

LOL Happy travels is right, this is a hoot
A Wonderful gift, thank you pls stop by mine

antmee said...

My cheeky lovable naughty's are all growing up and leaving home. So I do need some replacements! Count me in.

Katie Foley said...

ooo Count me in!! i'd love to win these two trouble makers! please stop by my giveaway (#328 on the magic carpet) :)


Wanda Maria said...

What a fantastic creation!! Please count me in. Also, please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveway when you get a moment; I'm #56.

Jonty said...

These little guys are awesome. I love those faces lol. Cute in a creepy kind of way lol.

Clau said...

I love you little elf. He's quite a character, love all the little details. Please count me in.

Heather said...

Love the little guy, count me in!

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

LOL, okay, I thought I saw Lenny outside my Studio window looking to get in to meet the girls...Yip it was him and now he needs to come back here for good. LOL Great work my friend and just wonderful as always. Enjoy the Carpet Ride....It sure has gotten HUGE! LOL
Love ya

rebecca said...

you are so
i suspect you are naughty and nice.

julietk said...

They are full of character :-) thankyou for having a draw please enter me I have never entered so many :-) The odds are getting good that I may be in with a chance.
I will happily come back and visit you and your creations.

Coleen said...

oh, I would love to have the naughty guy in my home..maybe my faeries could teach him some manners! HAHA!

Heart Hugs,

Janny said...

This is a gorgeous giveaway, please count me in!
If you have time, please come and visit mine.

K said...

Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

Mila said...

Hi there :)!
What a wonderful doll you made!!!
Pls count me in and if you want, pls take your time for visiting my giveaway #55 on Magic Carpet :)
Mila :)

woodland_faerie said...

tee hee what a hoot

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Jacqui! Wow, Lenny & Lyle are fabulous! Please add my name to your magical pot! Lisa :)

Shannon said...

Wow - he is so devious. Maybe he'll scare my kids into cleaning their rooms. Please enter me!

Martina said...

First of all I love the look of your blog. Very beautiful, Jacqui!
I`m happy to have a chance of winning you wonderful giveaway.
Please visit mine as well (I´m number 17 !!!)
Thanks and best wishes
MARTINA from Stuttgart/Germany

Francine Cronos said...

Your doll is absolutely amazing. He is definitely a mischief maker. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Kathy said...

They are absolutely wonderful and since I don't have a cat they can't scare it, but I do have a rather large dog they can ride on...LOL! and my refrigerator could absolutely be cleaned out with all my leftovers. I will give them a great home!

Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at

Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

J.B. said...

He reminds me of my husband. XD

Unknown said...

I absolutely love it is just my thing ! Would go perfectly with my horror dolls :]

Do we have to be hosting a giveaway to enter all the giveaway's ?

Arya said...

He looks like quite the trouble maker. I would love to find him the perfect place in my home.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Leeny and Lyle are just fabulous, what a great gift for anyone. They'd fit right in my house :)
The magic carpet ride is so exciting.

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
the glitzy gypsy said...

Love, love love your dolls!!!Please enter me in your drawing...

Linda said...

What a lovely giveaway and what a pleasure it was visiting your blog. I'm #633 on the magic carpet ride...I'd love to have you come visit.

Unknown said...

WOW!!!!!!! Jacqui!!!!!!!!!!! Please include my name!!!!!!!

yoborobo said...

I LOVE troublemakers! Please add my name!!! Thank you! Pam

silvia said...

I have a very spoiled cat that could use a new "friend" to tease her.

mitz said...

thanks for the opportunity to win
the ** L L ** boys.. tc

Jennifer said...

Wow awesome giveaway! Please put my name in the hat!


Antonella said...

He has that look that my son gets when he is doing something he shouldn't - lol... Please enter me for a chance and don't forget to stop by #234,
Hugs, Antonella :-)

RobbinB said...

Please enter me in your OHOW drawing and be sure to visit my spot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacqui, Lenny and Lyle would be welcome in my home anytime! I love your work. Please add my name to list.-Quilt Girl- #670

KarenBeth said...

OMG, Absolutely love your dolls and your giveaway! SUBSCRIBING! Loving my journey so far..
Would love to join you on your carpet ride! Won't you join me as well? Please enter me in your giveaway. :)
Take care and have a great ride!
Karen Beth

Ginny said...

What a cool little guy! I can totally see him in some of the books I've read

pinkglitterfae said...

Now how could such a cutie be so naughty, lol?
Ok, for you only, I will take my chance with him, haha!
thanks so much for the opportunity to win one of your dolls,

betty OWOH # 650

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

Leslie said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

i am head over heals in love with lenny and lyle! all of your dolls are so fantastic! i would love to have them move in with me ever so much -- and hug them and kiss them every morning and every night. off to <3 you on etsy. so very glad to have found you. i'm adding you to my blog links too -- hope you don't mind.

feel free to come check out my giveaways. owoh #445.

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

What a darling duo! I have lots of troublemakers here to keep them company.

Thank you so much for this great giveaway. What cuties...

Unknown said...

Well he can't be any worse than the monsters that live here!
Add my name, I think they're wonderful!

Sandi said...

Odd Dollz are my favorite kind! Please enter my name in your drawing!!!


canngil said...

ohhh, we will give them a wonderful home at our library in the children's corner!!
thanks much!

Unknown said...

I have stalked you on Etsy, love your work and style!
Come see me #622 Lucy's Baby

Ashley said...

Lenny is awesome! He'd look awesome at my art desk. Please put my name in the hat.

Anonymous said...

I just love him! Your artwork is amazing! I am so glad to have found your blog!
I'd be honoured to be entered into your giveaway.

Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
It's nice to meet you, I'd be glad you come visit me at my blog !
OWOH #240.

FiberArtisttoo said...

You know I love all your dolls and would be happy to give these 2 a new home. With all the trouble my dogs get into, these guys would fit right in!

CatieAn said...

oh those two would fit right in here at my house. please enter me.
come visit my giveaway as well.

Donna said...

Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don't have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.

Skeleton In My Closet said...

I love his expression! Too freakin' cute - toss my name in!


crystal said...

Ahhh Jacqui they are exquisite!!
Haha Our cats need a little kick in the butt sometimes;)


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Quite frankly, Lenny and Lyle frighten me half to death but I'm still drawn to them! Wonderful artwork,Jacqui, and they both look like mischief waiting to happen!

Paperfanatic said...

I love lenny and his little pal. My fridge gets raided every night anyway by the teenage boys, please count me in. my blog is

Dorthe said...

wow -he is not a sweet guy,
love that naughty expression on his face.

Please enter my name.
and visit me on # 625

Us said...

You have such a fantastic blog....the oddity is divine...Please include us in your giveaway and stop by our spot.

froebelsternchen said...

fantastic blog !
fantastic Give Away!
Please coin me in.


199 on the red carpet

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Lenny and Lyle are spectacular! I'd love to give them a new home. Thanks for the great giveaway. Please count me in.

spindelmaker said...

Your dolls are so expressive! And a it scary :-)
I didn´t make it in time to catch a ride with the magic carpet, but I do have a give-away on my blog, if you´d like to visit :-)

Susan Burgess said...

I would love to take a class with you one day and learn how to make these amazing beings. Man I would so freak out happy if I won! Sanna

Leah's Crafty Life said...

I would love to learn how to make these little guys.. Lenny is SPECTACULAR!!!!!! You are so talented! Please include me in the draw, and so pleased to meet you!

Unknown said...

Really appreciate the giveaway. Really nice work. I would love it if you wanted to visit my post. I'm Twinkie OWOH #351 aka

Carrieann said...

Hi from Las Vegas!

Love your work! You leave Lenny to us...we have ways of dealing with naughty little elves. ;)
Thanks for having us over to visit.

We hope you'll come visit us (#467) and check out our OHOW Giveaway...

Bright Blessings,
Carrie & Kathy

VintageCrafter said...

Oh MY! Lenny sure looks like he has a plan! Let's hope he picks my name! Please count me in for your wonderful creation.

Wilma Simmons (Empress Wu Designs) said...

I think Lenny and Lyle would be right at home with my grandsons - fantastic art dolls. Thanks for being part of this wonderful event. Hope you can stop by and take a peek at my giveaway if you haven't already. I'm # 112,

Susan Shaw said...

He looks so cranky! I would love to give him a home.

Marie S said...

I would love to be included.
Thank you for playing in OWOH.

Cherry Pie said...

Wow..... I'm an admirer of your dolls since a long time. This is awesome!
Fingers (and toes) crossed that I win ;-)*

Christine said...

You are such a talented artist Jacqui~we would be thrilled to have your art doll in our collection! When my four year old wakes up I'll have to show him your piece. We've been taking about elves and gnomes and the fcat that this one gets in trouble and raids the fridge like my son does, well, he'd like that an elf cn be just like a litle boy:P
Great job!

Mendy said...

Ohhhh myyy!!! this is absolutely FANTASTIC!! I would love this cutie pie on my bookshelf! he is GORGEOUS!! I LOVE odd, so this is just pure perfection!! I am drooling.. I am crossing my fingers SO hard, I would love to treasure this special guy. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! count me in, xo mendy

Gina Luna said...

How fantastic!
I love your work!!!

Deb Facer said...

Please enter my name, these two need to come live with me...

Deb Facer said...

O goodness he needs me, please enter me...

Anonymous said...

What a little beastie ;) Pop over and see me too.

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Jacqui, what a lovely idea and post you have with Lennie and Lyle Odd Dollz. Your are so talented. I'd be delighted to win any one of them. Please visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.


Rusted Wings said...

sweeeeet!! please count me in, & enter my giveaway @ #774!

Diana Meade said...

Jacqui, No wonder you want to adopt them out! My cats could use some a little action; they are too sedate. You do amazing work. You must be a great story teller because all of you peices look like they have a story to tell. Come see me at my blog

suze said...

Doll collector here...please count me in.

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