Well the opening night of our gallery show went off without a hitch!! We named the show "The Light In The Dark" seemed fitting for all of our work:) The paintings you see in the gallery were done by two of my co-workers, Deb and Ryan. We figure we had 75 to 100 people through the gallery with in an hour!! We were happy with that considering the short time we had to put the show together...( about a week, with Christmas and all) The stands for the dolls we made two day before the show!!) I tried to rent some but that wasn't happening. It all worked out pretty good though and the feed back from the guests was AWESOME!! No sales that night but lots of inquiries and some people said they were going to have to decide which one they wanted. I also had a few people asking about commission work so hopefully I will hear from them and get some work:) We gathered next door at a cool lounge next door to the gallery for some wonderful hors D'oeuvres (?) and some mingling. All in all it was a really nice evening and fun was had by all!!
Thanks soooo mcuh for all your well wishes and support, it means alot to me:)