Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm Terribly Late!!!

I am so sorry to break the commitment of doing the Alice In Wonderland" blog even:( MY BAD!!

Not that there is an excuse that is good enough but......... I have been working 70 hours a week and the last two day I have been with out the Internet:( My dolls are NOT finished but I have a good start on The Queen of Hearts, Alice with a severed white rabbit head ( I know, I know, sounds bad but it is kinda cute lol ) and a flamingo girl.

I promise to finish all of them soon and post pics here is you will be so kind as to come back to visit me here:)

I won't be around too much this summer as this summer gig I took will be taking up ALL my time!! Be back in full force in the fall though, I promise:)

Kay, off to see some of the ALcie dolls!!